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CEO Blog

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A Customer Centred Organisation

A Customer Centred Organisation

I am getting very excited about a future where our customers can move around our services seamlessly, with warm connections within a trusted brand.



Financial disadvantage and associated stress are significant contributors to depression, mental illness, family violence, drug and alcohol abuse, marriage failure, self-harm and suicide, and a myriad of other societal challenges.



I intrinsically believe that a person’s gender should have absolutely no impact on their experience of employment


Workplace Accessibility Investment

Federal Government is boosting its investment in workplace accessibility through the Employment Assistance Fund.


Leadership…and a bit of fun.

As our CEO it is essential that I demonstrate to the team that it is not one rule for me, and another for them.

Imagining our Future

Imagining our Future

My most defining takeaway from the workshops is the passion of our people for the impact of their work.

Team TPG

Team TPG

We are fortunate to have a terrific group of people working at the Personnel Group, but this isn’t a happy accident.

The NDIS and Employment

The NDIS and Employment

The Personnel Group’s Pathway to Work NDIS program has seen many wonderful examples of its participants progressing

Australia Day

Australia Day

Recently I grappled with the decision of whether The Personnel Group should observe the day as a designated public holiday or give our team the choice to observe a different day.

Introducing Work Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at The Personnel Group

Introducing Work Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at The Personnel Group

Our vision is to provide our customers with a variety of services that all assist with preparing for and then maintaining employment.

Achieving your goals in 2023

Achieving your goals in 2023

I don’t claim to have all the answers myself, but as someone who aspires to continually improve and is always working on something, I thought it might be helpful to share what has worked for me.

Perception of Disability Employment Services

Perception of Disability Employment Services

The Personnel Group has consistently delivered high-quality service for nearly 40 years.

Disability Employment and Allied Health

Disability Employment and Allied Health

Anyone who has been through the ‘coming together’ of two organisations will understand the challenges of melding culture, values, and purpose, and this is something occupying a lot of my thinking at present.


Accessibility and Universal Design

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how The Personnel Group can be an even more inclusive employer and workplace.

Thoughts from CEO Mental health and your workforce

Workplace Mental Health

A happy, healthy, productive, and present workforce is essential in seizing the opportunities of Australia’s rebounding economy.

Thoughts from CEO Mental health

Mental health

Mental Health is discussed frequently these days. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are discovering the long-term mental and emotional impacts that years of restriction, isolation, uncertainty and fear have had on our society.

Thoughts from CEO Employing someone with a disability

Employing someone with a disability

Employers across the country are crying out for staff as unemployment rates hit historically low levels.

Thoughts from CEO Star Ratings

Star Ratings

Many people have commented to me this past fortnight about the volume of The Personnel Group’s locations with a 5 Star rating.

Thoughts from CEO Creating Culture

On creating culture

“the measure of a team’s culture is the way employees feel on Sunday night, knowing they have to go back to work on Monday morning.”

developing transferable skills at a young age

July 25th, 2022

Employers consistently report that transferable skills such as work ethic, attitude and customer service are the traits they most desire in new hires.

from the CEO

July 11th, 2022

Throughout my time in the employment services industry, much of our work has been dedicated to building employer confidence in employing people with a non-traditional background.

from the CEO

June 9th, 2022

I came back from this conference determined to find solutions for this, and that is why I welcome the challenge, and the criticism.

from the CEO

June 27th, 2022

At The Personnel Group, we brought our leadership team and emerging leaders group together for our quarterly Leaders Meeting.

from the CEO

May 27th, 2022

We are currently preparing to rollout our 2022 – 2027 Strategic Plan, and annual initiatives, and it is heartening to see that many of the strategies we have developed will have a real and immediate impact on our team members working at the front line.

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