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Success Stories

Patrick‘s Story

Thinking outside the box leads to new career path

Thanks to our disability employment service in Canberra, Patrick was successfully employed in administration by Canon Business Services, which provides IT and business systems support to organisations.

When Patrick came to The Personnel Group he was keen to find work in the gardening/landscaping industry.

Workplace support consultant Sarah worked closely with employers across our ACT network and although he performed well across several job trials and interviews no permanent positions followed.

It was time to think outside the box.

Together, Sarah and Patrick explored other industries which might be the right fit for Patrick.

Following an online application and interview Patrick was successfully employed in administration by Canon Business Services, which provides IT and business systems support to organisations.

Patrick is working with Canon Business Services in Canberra.

Patrick is working with Canon Business Services in Canberra.

“I really like my work, I feel I have potential and self-worth, it has helped me realise I have valuable skills,” Patrick says.

“Sarah and The Personnel Group have been very helpful and since having this job my mental health has improved, I’m more social and making new friends.”

Supervisor Robert says Canon Business Services values the involvement of The Personnel Group, which is one of the leading disability employment agencies in Canberra.

“Pat has been with us for a month and he has adapted well,” Robert says.

“We are working through some challenges and the relationship we have with The Personnel Group is great for the additional support when needed.”

Thanks to our psychology and mental health support services in Canberra, Patrick is now able to focus on his next goal, which is to save some money to enable him to go on a holiday.


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