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Positive Behaviour Support

Understanding Positive Behaviour Support

Empowering Positive Change: Tailored Behaviour Support for Enhanced Quality of Life

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is designed to enhance the quality of life for individuals by reducing challenging behaviours through tailored strategies. Our approach involves a deep understanding of the reasons behind an individual’s behaviour and identifying ways to meet their needs without resorting to those challenging actions.

Our team of qualified and experienced Behaviour Support Practitioners creates individualised, comprehensive behaviour support plans. These plans emphasise proactive strategies, skill development, and environmental adjustments to prevent challenging behaviours from occurring. By focusing on these elements, we aim to foster a supportive environment that encourages positive change.

Our services include:

  • Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA):
    Our qualified team will conduct a FBA to identify the triggers, functions, and outcomes of the challenging behaviour. This involves:
  • Observations in various settings
  • Interviews with the client, family members, and other relevant stakeholders
  • Review of medical, educational, and psychological records
  • Comprehensive Behaviour Support Plans:
    A behaviour support plan is developed to provide strategies to assist reducing the behaviours of concern. The behaviour support plan focuses on positive behaviours and will include strategies that need to be implemented by the participant and their supports to reduce or limit the challenging behaviours.
  • Training and Support:
    Our team will provide training to those needing assistance to implement the behaviour support plan, to ensure the strategies can be implemented. Ongoing monitoring and assistance will be provided.
  • Individual support:
    Our team can also work with the participant, their family, and school, to provide further support with challenging behaviours.Recommendations for resources or equipment that can support the activity in sessions.

Whether you’re a parent, carer, or healthcare provider, our PBS services are here to support you and the individuals in your care.

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