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Hot 100 Jobs

February’s Hot 100 Jobs

This February, The Personnel Group is on a mission to change lives by placing 100 job seekers into awesome employment opportunities.
committed to help you every step of the way

We need your help!

If you’ve got a job opening or are thinking about hiring, we want to hear from you. Let us match your needs with our talented pool of candidates, and together we can make a difference!

We promise you the Right Fit. Right Person, Right Time, Right Support.

Register your job with us now. Simply fill out the form below and our team will get in touch.

Let’s make February the month of new beginnings and fantastic opportunities!

Benefits of a diverse workforce

Research consistently demonstrates the positive impact of a diverse workforce. Employing people with disabilities not only contributes to social equity but also offers various advantages for businesses, including;

  • Lower levels of absenteeism
  • Lower incidence of workplace injury
  • Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improved employee morale and positive organisational culture
  • Access to a wider talent pool.

We’re here to support you

With over 37 years of experience, we believe with the right support, these individuals can excel as valuable team members. Our experienced staff is ready to address your concerns and provide personalised assistance to ensure your new team member is the right fit for your workplace and job.

Embrace diversity and be rewarded with a positive impact on your team and the broader community.

Right fit.


K +

people supported
to find work



rate by our clients on
Net Promoter Score


team members
and growing


productive years of
helping people


offices across

Embrace inclusion today!

Complete this form and our friendly team member will contact you.

Want to talk to someone instead?

We have offices in VIC, NSW, and ACT

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